JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 DEPRECATED: JKQTFastPlotter: Speed-Optimized Plotter class
 DEPRECATED: Plot Elements available in JKQTFastPlotter
 Tool DEPRECATED: Functions, Enums, Classes for JKQTFastPlotter
 JKQTCommon: Diverse Basic Utilities
 Additional Qt Widgets
 CSS Parsing Tools
 Code Structuring Tools
 Debugging Tools
 Drawing & Graphics Tools
 General Functions & Tools
 Library Facilities for JKQTCommon
 Mathematical Functions & Tools
 Special QIcon generation
 String(-Conversion) Functions
 Tools around Qt's clasess
 Tools, Templates and Classes for Concurrency
 JKQTMath: Special Math and Statistics Utilities
 Data Array Tools
 General Algorithms (Sorting ...)
 Library Facilities for JKQTMath
 Linear Algebra Tools
 Parser/Evaluator for Mathematical Expressions
 Statistical Computations
 1-dimensional Histograms
 1-dimensional Kernel Density Estimates
 Kernels for 1-dimensional Histograms
 2-dimensional Histograms
 2-dimensional Kernel Density Estimates
 Kernels for 2-dimensional Histograms
 Basic statistics
 Grouped statistics
 Polynomial Fits/Regression
 Regression Analysis
 Statistics To Plot Adaptors
 JKQTMathText LaTeX-Renderer for Qt
 General Information on JKQTMathText
 Font Handling
 JKQTMathText Rendering Model
 Supported Markup Languages
 LaTeX Markup
 Supported LaTeX-Subset
 Supported LaTeX-Symbols
 Library-internal Types and Functions
 Library Facilities for JKQTMathText
 Math Markup Parser Classes
 Render-Tree Items for JKQTMathText
 Tool Functions and Types for JKQTMathText
 Math Renderer Class (JKQTMathText)
 Widgets using JKQTMathText
 JKQTPlotter: Qt based Scientific Plotter Class
 General Information
 Conventions: Naming and Plot Construction
 Data Management and -storage
 Non-Graph Plot Elements
 Coordinate Axes
 Plot Key/Legend
 Styling System
 Usage of JKQTPlotter
 How to use JKQTPlotter in the Qt Form Designer
 Performance Considerations when Setting up Plots
 Usage of JKQTBasePlotter Non-Visible Class
 Usage of JKQTPlotter Widget
 Type/Class/Function Documentation
 Data Storage Classes
 Interfaces To Other Libraries
 CImg Interfaceing Tools
 OpenCV Interfaceing Tools
 Plot Element Classes
 Baseclasses for Graphs
 Concrete Graph Classes
 Contour Graphs (based on Image Data)
 Event Graphs
 Filled Polygon/Area Graphs
 Financial Graphs
 Geometric Elements (Lines, Rectangles, ...)
 Graph Annotations
 Labeling Datapoints
 Line/Symbol Graphs
 Matrix/Image Plotting
 Statistical Graphs (e.g. Boxplots ...)
 Vector Fields
 Mix-in classes for Graphs
 Mix-In Classes for Error Indicators
 Mix-In Classes for Styling General Graphs
 Mix-In Classes for Styling Specialized Graphs (Boxplots etz.)
 Non-Graph Plot Elements
 Plotter Class & Plotter Widget
 Qt Widgets/Tools to work with JKQTPlotter
 Comboboxes for Properties of JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter
 Qt Data Models to Access Graphs in a JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter
 Styling System Classes
 Support Classes and Functions