JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches
Collaboration diagram for Supported LaTeX-Subset:

Switch between Math- and Text-Mode

These LaTeX-instructions allow to switch between math and text-mode:

The following image shows the difference between text- and math-mode:

In text mode the text is rendered normally. In math mode the rendering is changed:


The supported LaTeX subset for formatting text is listed in this section.

Font Properties

JKQTMathText supports these instructions for font properties:

Font Selection

These instructions are supported to select a font:

Font Sizes

JKQTMathText supports these instructions for font size:

JKQTMathText supports these instructions for font size in math mode:

Text Decoration: Underline, Overlines, Strikeout, ...

JKQTMathText supports several LaTeX instruction to decorate the text with underlines, overlines, etc:

Text Color

JKQTMathText supports several standard commands to set the text color:

You can use all color names like (black , blue , yellow , transparent , ... see e.g. https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors) or a color defined via #RGB #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB #RRRGGGBBB #RRRRGGGGBBBB (where R,G,B are HEX-digits)

See also


These instructions draw boxes in various ways:

Verbatim Text

Sometimes it is necessary to typeset text withou interpreting it as LaTeX markup. These instructions are implemented for that:

Symbols and special characters

These instructions draw different types of characters and symbols:

Explicit Whitespaces

\ (backslash+whitespace) thicker whitespace (1/3em)
\enspace 1en whitespace
\emspace / \quad quad (1em) whitespace
\qquad qquad (2em) whitespace
\, / \thinspace thin whitespace
\: / \medspace medium whitespace
\; / \thickspace thick whitespace
\! / \negthinspace negative thin whitespace
\negmedspace negative medium whitespace
\negthickspace negative thick whitespace
\phantom{XXX} whitespace with the width and height of XXX (may contain LaTeX instructions)
\vphantom{XXX} whitespace with the height of XXX (may contain LaTeX instructions) and width 0
\hphantom{XXX} whitespace with the width of XXX (may contain LaTeX instructions) and height 0

Environments for Multi-line text

Several environments are supported that allow to layout text with linebreaks and different alignemnts:

Tabular Environments

See also
Additional matrix-environments are listed in Matrix/Array Type Instructions

For text-mode tables, the tabular -environment is supported:

In all these environments, you can use the following instructions to draw lines above/below a row in the matrix:

Here is an example:

a1--- & b1--- & c1---\\
a2- & b2- & c2-\\
a3 & b3 & c3\\
a4 & b4 & c4\\

Supported Mathematical Constructs

Sub- and Superscript

The standard LaTeX sub-/superscript instructions (i.e. text_{sub} or text^{super} ) are supported:

Braces/Parantheses ...

Braces in math mode are adjusted in size, so they are a small bit (factor brace_factor ) larger than the contents. To enable this you have to write braces with \left and \right. These types of braces are defined (slight differences to LaTeX standard):

In additional fixed-size parantheses are available with the following family of instructions:

They use the same rendering code as the standard \left and \right instructions. Here is an example:

generated by

code $\Biggl\langle\biggl\{\Bigl[\bigl( r^{123}\bigr)\Bigr]\biggr\}\Biggr\rangle$


There are also instructions that allow to write roots:

Undersetting, Oversetting, Underbraces, Overbraces ...

There are also instructions that allow to under/overset braces, arrows, ...:

Fraction Type Instructions

Several fraction-typed LaTeX instructions are supported:

Matrix/Array Type Instructions

Simple instructions are:

Several Matrix/Array-typed LaTeX instructions are supported:

In all these environments, you can use the following instructions to draw lines above/below a row in the matrix: