JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches
Collaboration diagram for Data Storage Classes:


 Interfaces To Other Libraries


class  JKQTPColumn
 internally stores information about one data column. See JKQTPDatastore for more information. More...
class  JKQTPColumnBackInserter
 iterator, which allows to insert into a column of a JKQTPDatastore More...
class  JKQTPColumnConstIterator
 iterator over the data in the column of a JKQTPDatastore More...
class  JKQTPColumnIterator
 iterator over the data in the column of a JKQTPDatastore More...
class  JKQTPDatastore
 This class manages data columns (with entries of type double ), used by JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter to represent data for plots. More...
class  JKQTPDatastoreItem
 this represents one chunk of memory which can represent one or more columns of data for JKQTBasePlotter. See JKQTPDatastore for more information. More...
class  JKQTPDatastoreModel
 QAbstractTableModel descendent that allows to view data in a JKQTPDatastore. More...


enum class  JKQTPDatastoreItemFormat {
  JKQTPDatastoreItemFormat::SingleColumn ,
  JKQTPDatastoreItemFormat::MatrixColumn ,
 the types of data in one JKQTdatastoreItem More...

Detailed Description

The classes in this group implement a data storage system for use with the main plotter class. Basically a table of data is generated as a set of logical columns that may be bound to different data sources (internal or external memory arrays. Later on it is simply possible to plot graphs using the column number and the not a link to the actual data array, as the link is stored in these classes.

See also
Data Management and -storage
Tutorial (JKQTPDatastore): Basic Usage of JKQTPDatastore for a detailed description of how to use this class for data management!

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ JKQTPDatastoreItemFormat

enum class JKQTPDatastoreItemFormat

the types of data in one JKQTdatastoreItem


|  0  |  1  |  2  |                    + N-1 |


 ================= COLUMN 1 =================  ================= COLUMN 2 =================
+-----+-----+-----+....................+-----++-----+-----+-----+....................+-----+ .....
|  0  |  1  |  2  |                    + N-1 ||  0  |  1  |  2  |                    + N-1 |
+-----+-----+-----+....................+-----++-----+-----+-----+....................+-----+ .....
 =R1== =R2== =R3==                      =RN==  =R1== =R2== =R3==                      =RN==

JKQTPMatrixRow (C standard representation of matrices):

 ================== ROW  1 ==================  ================== ROW  2 ==================
+-----+-----+-----+....................+-----++-----+-----+-----+....................+-----+ .....
|  0  |  1  |  2  |                    + N-1 ||  0  |  1  |  2  |                    + N-1 |
+-----+-----+-----+....................+-----++-----+-----+-----+....................+-----+ .....
 =C1== =C2== =C3==                      =CN==  =C1== =C2== =C3==                      =CN==

a 1D C-array of doubles. (default option)


a 1D C-array of doubles that represents a number of columns. The data is store column after column (=column-major).


a 1D C-array of doubles that represents a number of rows (C standard representation of matrices). The data is stored row after row (=row-major).