JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CJKQTPSynchronized< T >::AdoptLockTypeType of AdoptLock tag, which is used in ReadLocker and WriteLocker to adopt a pre-locked JKQTPSynchronized<T>
 CJKQTBasePlotter::allPlotElementsFunctor which does not apply any filter to JKQTPPlotElement, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
 CJKQTPCoordinateAxis::AxisElementsSizeDescriptionReturn value type for getSize1() and getSize2()
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CJKQTBasePlotter::filterPlotElementByXAxisFilter functor which accepts only those JKQTPPlotElement where JKQTPPlotElement::getXAxisRef() returns the JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef supplied to the constructor, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
 CJKQTBasePlotter::filterPlotElementByYAxisFilter functor which accepts only those JKQTPPlotElement where JKQTPPlotElement::getYAxisRef() returns the JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef supplied to the constructor, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
 CJKQTPPlotElement::HitTestLocationDataset for a single point on the graph, associated with its data-column index and a label that can be used by a basic implementation of hitTest()
 CJKQTMathTextBoxInstructionNode::InstructionPropertiesDefines the implementation of an instruction represented by JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode
 CJKQTMathTextModifiedEnvironmentInstructionNode::InstructionPropertiesDefines the implementation of an instruction represented by JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode
 CJKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode::InstructionPropertiesDefines the implementation of an instruction represented by JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode
 CJKQTMathTextSimpleInstructionNode::InstructionPropertiesDefines the implementation of an instruction represented by JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode
 CJKQTPMathParser::jkmpFunctionDescriptorDescription of a user registered function
 CJKQTPMathParser::jkmpNodeThis class is the abstract base class for nodes. All allowed node types must inherit from jkmpNode
 CJKQTPMathParser::jkmpResultResult of any expression
 CJKQTPMathParser::jkmpTempVariableThis struct is for managing temporary variables. It is generally like jkmpVariable
 CJKQTPMathParser::jkmpVariableThis struct is for managing variables. Unlike jkmpResult this struct only contains pointers to the data
 CJKQTBasePlotterStyleSupport Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of a JKQTBasePlotter
 CJKQTFillStyleSummmarySupport Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes a fill style
 CJKQTGraphsBaseStyleSupport Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of a JKQTBasePlotter
 CJKQTGraphsSpecificStylePropertiesSupport Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of graphs
 CJKQTMathTextEnvironmentDescribes the current drawing environment (base fontname ...)
 CJKQTMathTextFontDefinitionSummarizes all information available on a font for a specific MTenvironmentFont
 CJKQTMathTextFontSpecifierFont specifier for JKQTMathText. The font consists of two parts: the actual font and the font used for math output (which may be empty)
 CJKQTMathTextModifyEnvironmentNodeMixInMixin extending a node that does not produce any output, but provides a function modifyEnvironment() that modifies the current JKQTMathTextEnvironment. Deriving classes are used to represent instructions like \bf or \color{...} that alter the text formatting for all further nodes in the current block
 CJKQTMathTextNodeSubclass representing one node in the syntax tree
 CJKQTMathTextNodeSizeBeschreibt die Größe(n) eines Knotens
 CJKQTPAdaptiveFunctionGraphEvaluatorAdaptive drawing of a function graph, specified by two function $ f_x(t) $ and $ f_y(t) $ evaluated over a parameter range $ t\in\left[t_\text{min}..t_\text{max}\right] $
 CJKQTPArrayScopedPointer< T >This class ensures that the given pointer is freed when the class is destroyed
 CJKQTPBarGraphStackInternalInterfaceThis is an interface-class for all stackable bargraphs ... it is used internally for autoscaling only
 CJKQTPColorDerivationModeSpecifies how a fill-color is derived from a given color
 CJKQTPColorPaletteSingleColorLinSegmentFor building palettes from linear segments of single colors using JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUTLinSegmentsSorted() and JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUTLinSegments()
 CJKQTPColorPaletteStyleAndToolsMixinIf a class is derived from this class, it may use color bars
 CJKQTPColumnInternally stores information about one data column. See JKQTPDatastore for more information
 CJKQTPColumnBackInserterIterator, which allows to insert into a column of a JKQTPDatastore
 CJKQTPColumnConstIteratorIterator over the data in the column of a JKQTPDatastore
 CJKQTPColumnIteratorIterator over the data in the column of a JKQTPDatastore
 CJKQTPCoordinateAxisStyleSupport Class for JKQTPCoordinateAxis, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of a JKQTPCoordinateAxis
 CJKQTPCSSParserA simple parser for certain CSS subsets
 CJKQTPDataCache< TData, TKey, ThreadSafe, TKeyInSignature >This class can be used to implement a general cache for values
 CJKQTPDataCacheNotThreadSafeTag type to configure JKQTPDataCache for non thread-safety
 CJKQTPDataCacheThreadSafeTag type to configure JKQTPDataCache for thread-safety
 CJKQTPDatastoreThis class manages data columns (with entries of type double ), used by JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter to represent data for plots
 CJKQTPDatastoreItemThis represents one chunk of memory which can represent one or more columns of data for JKQTBasePlotter. See JKQTPDatastore for more information
 CJKQTPExpected< T, E >"expected" datatype, which can either represent a function result of type T or an error of type E
 CJKQTPExpectedUnexpectedTypeTag type for an unexpected/error result in JKQTPExpected
 CJKQTPFinalAct< F >C++11 finally construct (executes a callable-object when the edestructor is executed)
 CJKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixinThis mix-in class assembles all styling properties applicable to error indicators
 CJKQTPGraphFillStyleMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, storage and other facilities for the graph filling (NOT the symbol filling though!)
 CJKQTPGraphLinesCompressionMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, storage and other facilities for a line-graph compression algorithm
 CJKQTPGraphLineStyleMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, storage and other facilities for the graph line style
 CJKQTPGraphSymbolStyleMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, storage and other facilities for the graph symbols style
 CJKQTPGraphTextStyleMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, storage and other facilities for text in graphs
 CJKQTPGridPrintingItemUsed to represent the position of other graphs in Saving and Printing Graphs
 CJKQTPGridStyleSupport Class for JKQTPCoordinateAxis, and summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of a grid (minor or major), associated with a JKQTPCoordinateAxis
 CJKQTPHighResTimerThis class implements a high resolution timer capable of measuring time intervals with a resolution of some microseconds
 CJKQTPImageToolsTool structure that summarizes several static properties of JKQTPlotters palette system, also provides functions to work with palettes and register user-defined palettes
 CJKQTPKeyStyleSupport Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of the key in a JKQTBasePlotter
 CJKQTPlotterDrawingToolsTool class with static values used by JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter
 CJKQTPlotterStyleSupport Class for JKQTPlotter, which summarizes all properties that define the visual styling of a JKQTPlotter
 CJKQTPlotterUpdateGuardGuard Class (RAII construct) for JKQTPlotter that disables replotting on construction and reenables it on destruction
 CJKQTPMathParserA simple function parser to parse (build memory tree representation) and evaluate simple mathematical expressions
 CJKQTPPaintDeviceAdapterService from this class to implement a special QPaintDevice as a plugin, that can be registered to JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter and then be used to export graphics, use registerPaintDeviceAdapter() to register such a plass
 CJKQTBasePlotter::JKQTPPenPen, when plotting in JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter
 CJKQTPPolynomialFunctorC++-functor, which evaluates a polynomial
 CJKQTPSaveDataAdapterVirtual base-class for exporter classes that can be used to save data inot a file
 CJKQTPStat5NumberStatisticsFive-Number Statistical Summary (minimum, median, maximum and two user-defined quantiles (as well as derived from these the inter quartile range))
 CJKQTPSymbolPathsInternnalInternal datastructure used in JKQTPPlotSymbol() to precalculate certain data only once per runtime
 CJKQTPSynchronized< T >Template class that wraps any datatype and combines it with a mutex, exposes the lock()/unlock() interface, so access to the contained data can be synchronized
 CJKQTPSynchronized< QList< JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter * > >
 CJKQTPSynchronized< QList< JKQTPSaveDataAdapter * > >
 CJKQTPSynchronized< QVector< JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor > >
 CJKQTPXGraphErrorDataThis class adds data fields for error indicators in x direction
 CJKQTPXYLabelsGeneratorMixinThis Mix-In class provides setter/getter methods, and tools for x- and y-value label formatting (i.e. double to string conversion)
 CJKQTPYGraphErrorDataThis class adds data fields for error indicators in y direction
 CJKQTPBaseKey::KeyColumnDescriptionDescribes one column of items in the key
 CJKQTPBaseKey::KeyItemDataDescribes a single key entry
 CJKQTPBaseKey::KeyLayoutDescriptionStruct, describing basic layout and size properties of a key/legend, mostly used as return value of getSize()
 CJKQTPBaseKey::KeySizeDescriptionStruct, describing basic layout and size properties of a key/legend, mostly used as return value of getSize()
 CJKQTPGraphValueLabelStyleMixin::LabelGeometryDescribes details about the geometry of a label, used by calcLabelGeometry()
 CJKQTPImageTools::LUTDataInternal datatype, representing a lookup-table and its metadata inside global_jkqtpimagetools_lutstore
 CJKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph::MappedSymbolFunctorHelper class for setMappedSymbolColumnFunctor()
 CJKQTPlotter::MouseDragActionTies a MouseActionMode to a mouse-button and a keyboard-modifier
 CJKQTPlotter::MouseDragMarkerDescribes a marker to be drawn by paintUserAction()
 CJKQTPCSSParser::NumberWithUnitEncodes a number with its unit, e.g. 100% or 45deg or ..
 CJKQTPParsedFunctionLineGraphBase::ParsedFunctionLineGraphFunctionDataINTERNAL data structure combining a JKQTPMathParser and a JKQTPMathParser::jkmpNode
 CJKQTPEvaluatedFunctionGraphBase::PlotFunctorSpecInternal plot functor
 CJKQTBasePlotter::PlotMarginUsed for calculated value: describing a section in the freespace outside the graph area
 CJKQTPSynchronized< T >::ReadLockerType of a lock_guard for a JKQTPSynchronized<T> for reading
 CJKQTPBarGraphBase::SimpleFillBrushFunctorAdaptorAdapter that converts a SimpleFillBrushFunctor to a FillBrushFunctor
 CJKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph::SymbolDescriptionHelper struct, which describes a single symbol
 CJKQTMathTextSymbolNode::SymbolFullPropsProperties of the symbol, extends SymbolProps with font..
 CJKQTMathTextSymbolNode::SymbolPropsProperties of the symbol
 CJKQTBasePlotter::textSizeKeyInternal tool class for text-sizess in a plot key
 CJKQTMathTextWhitespaceNode::WhitespacePropsDescribes a whitespace
 CJKQTPSynchronized< T >::WriteLockerType of a lock_guard for a JKQTPSynchronized<T> for writing