JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches

This virtual JKQTPGraph descendent extends JKQTPXYGraph to two columns for y-values (e.g. for filled range plots in JKQTPFilledVerticalRangeGraph). More...

#include <jkqtpgraphsbase.h>

Inheritance diagram for JKQTPXYYGraph:
Collaboration diagram for JKQTPXYYGraph:

Public Slots

virtual void setValue2Column (int __value)
 sets the column used as secondary "value" for the current graph (typically this call setXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call setYColumn() )
void setXYYColumns (int xCol, int yCol, int y2Col)
 sets xColumn, yColumn and yColumn2 at the same time
void setXYYColumns (size_t xCol, size_t yCol, size_t y2Col)
 sets xColumn, yColumn and yColumn2 at the same time
void setYColumn2 (int __value)
 the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints
void setYColumn2 (size_t __value)
 the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints
- Public Slots inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
void setDataSortOrder (DataSortOrder __value)
 if !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting
void setDataSortOrder (int __value)
 if !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting
virtual void setKeyColumn (int __value)
 sets the column used as "key" for the current graph (typically this call setXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call setYColumn() )
virtual void setValueColumn (int __value)
 sets the column used as "value" for the current graph (typically this call setXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call setYColumn() )
void setXColumn (int __value)
 the column that contains the x-component of the datapoints
void setXColumn (size_t __value)
 the column that contains the x-component of the datapoints
void setXYColumns (int xCol, int yCol)
 sets xColumn and yColumn at the same time
void setXYColumns (QPair< int, int > xyColPair)
 sets xColumn and yColumn at the same time
void setXYColumns (QPair< size_t, size_t > xyColPair)
 sets xColumn and yColumn at the same time
void setXYColumns (size_t xCol, size_t yCol)
 sets xColumn and yColumn at the same time
void setYColumn (int __value)
 the column that contains the y-component of the datapoints
void setYColumn (size_t __value)
 the column that contains the y-component of the datapoints
- Public Slots inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
void setHighlighted (bool __value)
 sets whether the graph is drawn in a highlighted style in the plot

virtual void setTitle (const QString &__value)
 sets the title of the plot (for display in key!).
void setVisible (bool __value)
 sets whether the graph is visible in the plot


Public Member Functions

 JKQTPXYYGraph (JKQTBasePlotter *parent=nullptr)
 class constructor
virtual int getValue2Column () const
 returns the column used as secondary "value" for the current graph (typically this call getXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call getYColumn() )
int getYColumn2 () const
 the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints
virtual bool getYMinMax (double &miny, double &maxy, double &smallestGreaterZero) override
 get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
virtual double hitTest (const QPointF &posSystem, QPointF *closestSpotSystem=nullptr, QString *label=nullptr, HitTestMode mode=HitTestXY) const override
 Implmentation of JKQTPPlotElement::hitTest(), which searches through all graph points defined by xColumn and yColumn and returns a general x/y-label, also taking into account possibly known errors to the graphs (if it is derived from JKQTPXGraphErrorData and/or JKQTPYGraphErrorData.
virtual bool usesColumn (int column) const override
 returns true if the given column is used by the graph
- Public Member Functions inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
 JKQTPXYGraph (JKQTBasePlotter *parent=nullptr)
 class constructor
DataSortOrder getDataSortOrder () const
 if !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting
virtual int getKeyColumn () const
 returns the column used as "key" for the current graph (typically this call getXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call getYColumn() )
virtual int getValueColumn () const
 returns the column used as "value" for the current graph (typically this call getXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call getYColumn() )
int getXColumn () const
 the column that contains the x-component of the datapoints
virtual bool getXMinMax (double &minx, double &maxx, double &smallestGreaterZero) override
 get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
int getYColumn () const
 the column that contains the y-component of the datapoints
- Public Member Functions inherited from JKQTPGraph
 JKQTPGraph (JKQTBasePlotter *parent=nullptr)
 class constructor
virtual ~JKQTPGraph ()=default
 default wirtual destructor
- Public Member Functions inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
 JKQTPPlotElement (JKQTBasePlotter *parent=nullptr)
 class constructor
virtual ~JKQTPPlotElement ()=default
 default wirtual destructor
QPointF backTransform (const QPointF &x) const
 tool routine that back-transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules (pixels --> plot coordinate)
QPointF backTransform (double x, double y) const
 tool routine that back-transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules (pixels --> plot coordinate)
double backtransformX (double x) const
 tool routine that backtransforms an x-coordinate (pixels --> plot coordinate) for this plot element, uses the axis referenced in xAxisRef
double backtransformY (double y) const
 tool routine that backtransforms a y-coordinate (pixels --> plot coordinate) for this plot element, uses the axis referenced in yAxisRef
virtual void draw (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &painter)=0
 plots the graph to the plotter object specified as parent
virtual void drawKeyMarker (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &painter, const QRectF &rect)=0
 plots a key marker inside the specified rectangle rect
virtual void drawOutside (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &painter, QRect leftSpace, QRect rightSpace, QRect topSpace, QRect bottomSpace)
 plots outside the actual plot field of view (e.g. color bars, scale bars, ...)
QImage generateKeyMarker (QSize size=QSize(16, 16))
 returns an image with a key marker inside

virtual QColor getKeyLabelColor () const =0
 returns the color to be used for the key label
virtual void getOutsideSize (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &painter, int &leftSpace, int &rightSpace, int &topSpace, int &bottomSpace)
 if the graph plots outside the actual plot field of view (e.g. color bars, scale bars, ...)
JKQTBasePlottergetParent ()
 returns the parent painter class
const JKQTBasePlottergetParent () const
 returns the parent painter class
QString getTitle () const
 returns the the title of the plot

const JKQTPCoordinateAxisgetXAxis () const
 returns the actual x-Axis-object from the parent plotter, referenced in xAxisRef
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef getXAxisRef () const
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in x-direction
const JKQTPCoordinateAxisgetYAxis () const
 returns the actual y-Axis-object from the parent plotter, referenced in yAxisRef
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef getYAxisRef () const
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in y-direction
bool isHighlighted () const
 returns whether the graph is shown in a highlighted style in the plot

bool isVisible () const
 returns whether the graph is visible in the plot

void setAxes (JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref)
 set the coordinate axes to use for this plot element
virtual void setParent (JKQTBasePlotter *parent)
 sets the parent painter class
virtual void setParent (JKQTPlotter *parent)
 sets the parent painter class
void setXAxis (JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref)
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in x-direction
void setYAxis (JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref)
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in y-direction
QPointF transform (const QPointF &x) const
 tool routine that transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules (plot coordinate --> pixels)
QPolygonF transform (const QPolygonF &x) const
 tool routine that transforms a QPolygonF according to the parent's transformation rules (plot coordinate --> pixels)
QPointF transform (double x, double y) const
 tool routine that transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules (plot coordinate --> pixels)
QPainterPath transformToLinePath (const QPolygonF &x) const
 tool routine that transforms a QPolygonF according to the parent's transformation rules and returns a (non-closed) path consisting of lines (plot coordinate --> pixels)
QVector< double > transformX (const QVector< double > &x) const
 transform all x-coordinates in a vector x
double transformX (double x) const
 tool routine that transforms an x-coordinate (plot coordinate --> pixels) for this plot element, uses the axis referenced in xAxisRef
QVector< double > transformY (const QVector< double > &x) const
 transform all y-coordinates in a vector x
double transformY (double y) const
 tool routine that transforms a y-coordinate (plot coordinate --> pixels) for this plot element, uses the axis referenced in yAxisRef

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool getIndexRange (int &imin, int &imax) const override
 determines the range of row indexes available in the data columns of this graph
- Protected Member Functions inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
int getDataIndex (int i) const
 returns the index of the i-th datapoint (where i is an index into the SORTED datapoints)
virtual void intSortData ()
 sorts data according to the specified criterion in sortData ... The result is stored as a index-map in sorted Indices
- Protected Member Functions inherited from JKQTPGraph
virtual void drawErrorsAfter (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &)
 this function is used to plot error inidcators after plotting the graphs.
virtual void drawErrorsBefore (JKQTPEnhancedPainter &)
 this function is used to plot error inidcators before plotting the graphs.
bool getDataMinMax (int column, double &minx, double &maxx, double &smallestGreaterZero)
 get the maximum and minimum value of the given column
- Protected Member Functions inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
void addHitTestData (const HitTestLocation &loc)
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest()
void addHitTestData (const QPointF &pos_, const QString &label_)
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest()
void addHitTestData (const QPointF &pos_, int index_, const QString &label_)
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest()
void addHitTestData (const QPointF &pos_, int index_=-1, const JKQTPDatastore *datastore=nullptr)
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest(), this variant uses formatHitTestDefaultLabel() to auto-generate the label
void addHitTestData (double x_, double y_, const QString &label_)
 add a new point on the graph to the internal datastore for hitTest()
void addHitTestData (double x_, double y_, int index_, const QString &label_)
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest()
void addHitTestData (double x_, double y_, int index_=-1, const JKQTPDatastore *datastore=nullptr)
 add a new point on the graph to the internal datastore for hitTest(), this variant uses formatHitTestDefaultLabel() to auto-generate the label
void clearHitTestData ()
 clear the internal datastore for hitTest()
virtual QString formatHitTestDefaultLabel (double x, double y, int index=-1, const JKQTPDatastore *datastore=nullptr) const
 tool-function for hitTest(), which formats a default label, taking into account the x- and y-position (both provided) and optionally the errors of these positions.
void reserveHitTestData (int points)
 reserve list entries for up to points graph points in the internal datastore for hitTest()
QString xFloatToString (double v, int past_comma=-1) const
 converts a x-value v into a string, taking into account the type of x-axis
QString yFloatToString (double v, int past_comma=-1) const
 converts a x-value v into a string, taking into account the type of x-axis


int yColumn2
 the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints
- Properties inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
DataSortOrder sortData
 if !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting
int xColumn
 the column that contains the x-component of the datapoints
int yColumn
 the column that contains the y-component of the datapoints
- Properties inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
bool highlighted
 indicates whether the graph is shown in a "highlghted" in the plot
QString title
 title of the plot (for display in key!). If no title is supplied, no key entry is drawn.
bool visible
 indicates whether the graph is visible in the plot
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef xAxisRef
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in x-direction
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef yAxisRef
 indicates which coordinate axis to use for coordinate transforms in y-direction

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
enum  DataSortOrder {
  Unsorted =0 ,
  SortedX =1 ,
  SortedY =2
 specifies how to sort the data in a JKQTPXYGraph before drawing More...
- Public Types inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
enum  HitTestMode {
  HitTestXY ,
  HitTestXOnly ,
 modes of operation for the function hitTest() More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from JKQTPXYGraph
QVector< int > sortedIndices
 this array contains the order of indices, in which to access the data in the data columns
- Protected Attributes inherited from JKQTPPlotElement
QVector< HitTestLocationm_hitTestData
 dataset with graph-points and associated data from the function hitTest()
 the plotter object this object belongs to
int parentPlotStyle
 internal storage for the used parent plot style

Detailed Description

This virtual JKQTPGraph descendent extends JKQTPXYGraph to two columns for y-values (e.g. for filled range plots in JKQTPFilledVerticalRangeGraph).

See also
JKQTPXXYGraph and e.g. JKQTPFilledVerticalRangeGraph

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


JKQTPXYYGraph::JKQTPXYYGraph ( JKQTBasePlotter parent = nullptr)

class constructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ getIndexRange()

virtual bool JKQTPXYYGraph::getIndexRange ( int &  imin,
int &  imax 
) const

determines the range of row indexes available in the data columns of this graph

[out]iminfirst usable row-index
[out]imaxlast usable row-index
true on success and false if the information is not available

Reimplemented from JKQTPXYGraph.

◆ getValue2Column()

virtual int JKQTPXYYGraph::getValue2Column ( ) const

returns the column used as secondary "value" for the current graph (typically this call getXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call getYColumn() )

◆ getYColumn2()

int JKQTPXYYGraph::getYColumn2 ( ) const

the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints

◆ getYMinMax()

virtual bool JKQTPXYYGraph::getYMinMax ( double &  miny,
double &  maxy,
double &  smallestGreaterZero 

get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph

The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!

[out]minyminimal y-value used in the graph
[out]maxymaximal y-value used in the graph
[out]smallestGreaterZerothe smalles y-value in the graph, which is larger than 0 (this is used in auto-sizing for logarithmic axes)
true on success, i.e. if there were datapoints in the plot, or false on failure (e.g. when the graph is empty)

Reimplemented from JKQTPXYGraph.

◆ hitTest()

virtual double JKQTPXYYGraph::hitTest ( const QPointF &  posSystem,
QPointF *  closestSpotSystem = nullptr,
QString *  label = nullptr,
HitTestMode  mode = HitTestXY 
) const

Implmentation of JKQTPPlotElement::hitTest(), which searches through all graph points defined by xColumn and yColumn and returns a general x/y-label, also taking into account possibly known errors to the graphs (if it is derived from JKQTPXGraphErrorData and/or JKQTPYGraphErrorData.

This function first checks whether JKQTPPlotElement::hitTest() returns any result, so you can use the basic implementation in JKQTPPlotElement to override the behaviour here, by simply calling addHitTestData() during your draw() implementation
See also
See JKQTPPlotElement::hitTest() for details on the function definition!

Reimplemented from JKQTPXYGraph.

◆ setValue2Column

virtual void JKQTPXYYGraph::setValue2Column ( int  __value)

sets the column used as secondary "value" for the current graph (typically this call setXColumn(), but for horizontal graphs like filled curves or barcharts it may call setYColumn() )

◆ setXYYColumns [1/2]

void JKQTPXYYGraph::setXYYColumns ( int  xCol,
int  yCol,
int  y2Col 

sets xColumn, yColumn and yColumn2 at the same time

◆ setXYYColumns [2/2]

void JKQTPXYYGraph::setXYYColumns ( size_t  xCol,
size_t  yCol,
size_t  y2Col 

sets xColumn, yColumn and yColumn2 at the same time

◆ setYColumn2 [1/2]

void JKQTPXYYGraph::setYColumn2 ( int  __value)

the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints

◆ setYColumn2 [2/2]

void JKQTPXYYGraph::setYColumn2 ( size_t  __value)

the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints

◆ usesColumn()

virtual bool JKQTPXYYGraph::usesColumn ( int  column) const

returns true if the given column is used by the graph

This virtual function indicates whether a given column is used by this graph. Override this function in your derived graphs to indicate to JKQTPlotter / JKQTBasePlotter , which columns from the internal JKQTPDatastore are actually used. This information can be used e.g. for graph-specific data-export.

Reimplemented from JKQTPXYGraph.

Property Documentation

◆ yColumn2

int JKQTPXYYGraph::yColumn2

the column that contains the second y-component of the datapoints

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: