JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches
Drawing & Graphics Tools
Collaboration diagram for Drawing & Graphics Tools:


class  JKQTPEnhancedPainter
 this class extends the QPainter More...
struct  JKQTPlotterDrawingTools
 tool class with static values used by JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter More...
struct  JKQTPSymbolPathsInternnal
 internal datastructure used in JKQTPPlotSymbol() to precalculate certain data only once per runtime More...


typedef std::function< void(QPainter &p)> JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor
 functor used to draw a custom JKQTPGraphSymbols


enum  JKQTPGraphSymbols : uint64_t {
  JKQTPNoSymbol =0 ,
  JKQTPDot ,
  JKQTPCross ,
  JKQTPPlus ,
  JKQTPCircle ,
  JKQTPFilledCircle ,
  JKQTPRect ,
  JKQTPFilledRect ,
  JKQTPTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledTriangle ,
  JKQTPDiamond ,
  JKQTPFilledDiamond ,
  JKQTPstar ,
  JKQTPFilledStar ,
  JKQTPPentagon ,
  JKQTPFilledPentagon ,
  JKQTPAsterisc ,
  JKQTPHourglass ,
  JKQTPFilledHourglass ,
  JKQTPCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPHexagon ,
  JKQTPFilledHexagon ,
  JKQTPRectCross ,
  JKQTPRectPlus ,
  JKQTPRectTriangle ,
  JKQTPRectDownTriangle ,
  JKQTPRectLeftTriangle ,
  JKQTPRectRightTriangle ,
  JKQTPCircleCross ,
  JKQTPCirclePlus ,
  JKQTPCirclePeace ,
  JKQTPDiamondPlus ,
  JKQTPDiamondCross ,
  JKQTPTripod ,
  JKQTPDownTripod ,
  JKQTPLeftTripod ,
  JKQTPRightTripod ,
  JKQTPAsterisc6 ,
  JKQTPAsterisc8 ,
  JKQTPPeace ,
  JKQTPTarget ,
  JKQTPDownTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledDownTriangle ,
  JKQTPLeftTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledLeftTriangle ,
  JKQTPRightTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledRightTriangle ,
  JKQTPDownCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledDownCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPLeftCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledLeftCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPRightCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledRightCurvedTriangle ,
  JKQTPOctagon ,
  JKQTPFilledOctagon ,
  JKQTPUpDownTriangle ,
  JKQTPFilledUpDownTriangle ,
  JKQTPHorizontalHourglass ,
  JKQTPFilledHorizontalHourglass ,
  JKQTPSantaClauseHouse ,
  JKQTPFilledSantaClauseHouse ,
  JKQTPMale ,
  JKQTPFemale ,
  JKQTPSymbolCount ,
  JKQTPMaxSymbolID =JKQTPSymbolCount-1 ,
  JKQTPDefaultSymbol =JKQTPCross ,
  JKQTPCharacterSymbol =0x100 ,
  JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol =JKQTPCharacterSymbol+0xFFFF+0xF ,
  JKQTPFirstCustomSymbol =JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol+0xFFFF+0xF
 symbols that can be used to plot a datapoint for a graph More...
enum  JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle {
  JKQTPNoDecorator =0 ,
  JKQTPArrow ,
  JKQTPFilledArrow ,
  JKQTPTriangleDecorator ,
  JKQTPFilledTriangleDecorator ,
  JKQTPTriangleDecoratorAndBar ,
  JKQTPFilledTriangleDecoratorAndBar ,
  JKQTPDoubleArrow ,
  JKQTPFilledDoubleArrow ,
  JKQTPCircleDecorator ,
  JKQTPFilledCircleDecorator ,
  JKQTPRectangleDecorator ,
  JKQTPFilledRectangleDecorator ,
  JKQTPArrowAndBar ,
  JKQTPDoubleArrowAndBar ,
  JKQTPBarDecorator ,
  JKQTPBracketDecorator ,
  JKQTPDiamondDecorator ,
  JKQTPDiamondDecoratorAndBar ,
  JKQTPFilledDiamondDecorator ,
  JKQTPFilledDiamondDecoratorAndBar ,
  JKQTPHalfBarDecorator ,
  JKQTPHarpoonDecorator ,
  JKQTPHarpoonDecoratorAndBar ,
  JKQTPSkewedBarDecorator ,
  JKQTPLineDecoratorCount ,
  JKQTPMaxLineDecoratorID =JKQTPLineDecoratorCount-1 ,
  JKQTPDefaultLineDecorator =JKQTPFilledArrow
 symbols that can be used to plot a datapoint for a graph More...


JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF JKQTPCleanPolygon (const QPolygonF &poly, double distanceThreshold=0.3)
 cleans a polygon by uniting all consecutive points that were closer than distanceThreshold are united
QLineF JKQTPClipLine (const QLineF &line, const QRectF &clipRect)
 clips the given line line to the given rectangle clipRect
QLineF JKQTPClipLine (const QLineF &line, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
 clips the given line line to the given rectangle rectangle xmin .. xmax and ymin ... ymax
bool JKQTPClipLine (double &x1, double &y1, double &x2, double &y2, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
 clips the given line (x1 , y1 ) – (x2 , y2 ) to the given rectangle xmin .. xmax and ymin ... ymax
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT bool JKQTPClipLine (QLineF &line, const QRectF &clippingRect)
 clip a QLineF line to the rectangle defines by clippingRect
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPClipPolyLine (const QPolygonF &polyline_in, const QRectF &clipRect)
 clips the given poly-line polyline_in to the given rectangle clipRect
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPClipPolyLines (const QList< QPolygonF > &polylines_in, const QRectF &clipRect)
 clips the given list of poly-lines polylines_in to the given rectangle clipRect
template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPDrawTooltip (TPainter &painter, double x, double y, const QRectF &rect)
 draw a tooltip, using the current brush and pen of the provided painter
template<int N>
std::array< QPointF, N *2 > JKQTPGetStarCoordinates (double inner_radius=0.5)
 return the consecutive ccordinates of the tips of a N-tipped star on a circle of radius 1. Inner tips are on a irle of radius inner_radius.
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2NameString (JKQTPGraphSymbols pos)
 converts a JKQTPGraphSymbols variable into a human-readable string
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2String (JKQTPGraphSymbols pos)
 converts a JKQTPGraphSymbols variable into a identifier string
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2NameString (JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle pos)
 converts a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle variable into a human-readable string
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2String (JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle pos)
 converts a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle variable into a identifier string
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT double JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize (double line_width, double decoratorSizeFactor)
 calculates the tail decorator size from the line width line_width, using decoratorSizeFactor and a non-linear scaling function that levels off towards small line_width and increases sub-linearly for large ones, so the arrow heads to not grow too much
template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine (TPainter &painter, const QLineF &l, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle style1, double size1, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle style2, double size2)
 plot a line with the given decorators style1 and a style2 at the start- and end-point repsectively, using the painter's current pen
template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotLineDecorator (TPainter &painter, double x, double y, double angle_rad, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle style, double size, QPointF *line_start=nullptr)
 plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y. Note that this function only draws the decorator, NOT the line pointing to it!
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPPlotSymbol (QPaintDevice &paintDevice, double x, double y, JKQTPGraphSymbols symbol, double size, double symbolLineWidth, QColor color, QColor fillColor, const QFont &symbolFont)
 plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y, thread-safe
template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotSymbol (TPainter &painter, double x, double y, JKQTPGraphSymbols symbol, double size, double symbolLineWidth, QColor color, QColor fillColor, QFont symbolFont)
 plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y, thread-safe
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphSymbols JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol (const JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor &)
 register a JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor that draws a custom symbol.Returns an ID that allows to access the symbol!, thread-safe
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphSymbols JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol (JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor &&)
 register a JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor that draws a custom symbol.Returns an ID that allows to access the symbol!, thread-safe
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor (QColor &col, const QColor &currentColor)
 check whether col equals JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::CurrentColorPlaceholder (or one of its variants) and then replace it by currentColor
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor (QGradient &grad, const QColor &currentColor)
 check whether any color in grad equals JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::CurrentColorPlaceholder (or one of its variants) and then replace it by currentColor
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF jkqtpRotateRect (QRectF r, double angle)
 rotate a rectangle by given angle (rotates all points around the center of the rectangle and returns it as a QPolygonF)
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines (const QList< QPolygonF > &lines_in, double maxDeltaXY=1.0)
 tries to reduce the complexity of the given list of poly-lines lines_in, but keeping the appearance as if all lines were drawn
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines (const QPolygonF &lines_in, double maxDeltaXY=1.0)
 tries to reduce the complexity of the given poly-line lines_in, but keeping the appearance as if all lines were drawn
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSimplyfyLineSegemnts (const QVector< QPointF > &points, double maxConsecutiveAngleDegree=0.2)
 takes a list of points and tries to reduce them. Three points are merged to two, if they form a straight line
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints (double x, double y, double a, double b, double angle_start=0, double angle_end=360, double alpha=0, int controlPoints=180, QPointF *x_start=nullptr, QPointF *x_end=nullptr)
 represent an ellipse as a series of points on the ellipse
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints (std::function< QPointF(QPointF)> fTransform, double x, double y, double a, double b, double angle_start=0, double angle_end=360, double alpha=0, QPointF *x_start=nullptr, QPointF *x_end=nullptr, QPointF *x_start_notrafo=nullptr, QPointF *x_end_notrafo=nullptr)
 represent an ellipse as a series of points on the ellipse
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints (const QLineF &line, int controlPoints=180)
 represent a line as a series of points on the ellipse
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints (const QLineF &line, std::function< QPointF(QPointF)> fTransform)
 represent a line as a series of points on the ellipse
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitPolylineIntoPoints (const QVector< QPointF > &line, std::function< QPointF(QPointF)> fTransform)
 represent a poly-line as a series of points on the ellipse
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPolygonF > JKQTPUnifyLinesToPolygons (const QVector< QLineF > &lines, double distanceThreshold=0.3, int searchMaxSurroundingElements=10)
 takes a list of QLineF objesct lines and tries to combine as many of them as possible to QPolygonF objects. Note: This method implements an incomplete algorithm with searchMaxSurroundingElements>0, as solving the complete problem is very time-consuming (cubic runtime)
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphSymbols String2JKQTPGraphSymbols (const QString &pos)
 converts a String into a JKQTPGraphSymbols
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle String2JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle (const QString &pos)
 converts a String into a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle


static JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPSynchronized< QVector< JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor > > JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolStore
 stores all custom JKQTPGraphSymbols registered using JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol

Detailed Description

Specialized drawing functions used by the plotters and LaTeX renderers.

Typedef Documentation

◆ JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor

typedef std::function<void(QPainter& p)> JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor

functor used to draw a custom JKQTPGraphSymbols

Draw the symbol with these properties:

  • center at (0,0)
  • width 1, i.e. x=-0.5...0.5
  • height 1, i.e. y=-0.5...0.5
  • you can assume that a proper pen and brush is set with the correct properties
  • scaling to the final size is donw by JKQTPPlotSymbol()
  • drawing is protected by surronding p.save(); and p.restore(); in JKQTPPlotSymbol()

As an example, the following code-snippet:

[](QPainter& p) {
p.drawEllipse(QPointF(-0.2, -0.2), 0.3, 0.3);
p.drawEllipse(QPointF(0.2, -0.2), 0.3, 0.3);
p.drawEllipse(QPointF(0, 0.2), 0.3, 0.3);

generates this symbol:

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ JKQTPGraphSymbols

enum JKQTPGraphSymbols : uint64_t

symbols that can be used to plot a datapoint for a graph


plots no symbol at all (usefull together with error bars)


a small dot


a X cross


a + cross


an unfilled circle


a filled circle


an unfilled rectangle


a filled rectangle


an unfilled triangle (tip at top)


a filled triangle (tip at top)


an unfilled diamond


a filled diamond


an unfilled diamond


a filled diamond


an unfilled pentagon


a filled pentagon


an asterisc star with 5 arms


an hour glass symbol


a filled hour glass symbol


a curved triangle


a filled curved triangle


an unfilled hexagon


a filled hexagon


a square symbol with a cross inside


a square symbol with a plus inside


a square symbol with a triangle inside


a square symbol with a triangle (tip to the bottom) inside


a square symbol with a triangle (tip to the left) inside


a square symbol with a triangle (tip to the right) inside


a circle symbol with a cross inside


a circle symbol with a plus inside


a circled peace symbol


a diamond symbol with a plus inside


a diamond symbol with a cross inside


a tripod symbol


a tripod symbol, pointing down


a tripod symbol, pointing to the left


a tripod symbol, pointing to the right


an asterisc star with 6 arms


an asterisc star with 8 arms


a peace symbol


a target symbol (circle with cross)


an unfilled triangle (tip at bottom)


a filled triangle (tip at bottom)


an unfilled triangle (tip to the left)


a filled triangle (tip to the left)


an unfilled triangle (tip to the right)


a filled triangle (tip to the right)


a curved triangle, pointing down


a filled curved triangle, pointing down


a curved triangle, pointing to the left


a filled curved triangle, pointing to the left


a curved triangle, pointing to the right


a filled curved triangle, pointing to the right


an unfilled octagon


a filled octagon


a overlay of an up and a down triangle symbol


a filled version of the overlay of an up and a down triangle


a horizontal hour glass symbol


a filled horizontal hour glass symbol


a small house symbol ("Das is das haus vom Nicolaus")


a filled small house symbol ("Das is das haus vom Nicolaus")


a male symbol


a female symbol


can be used to iterate over all symbols using: for (int i=0; i<static_cast<int>(JKQTPSymbolCount); i++) { JKQTPGraphSymbols s=static_cast<JKQTPGraphSymbols>(i); ... }


points to the last available symbol, can be used to iterate over all symbols: for (int i=0; i<=static_cast<int>(JKQTPMaxSymbolID); i++) { JKQTPGraphSymbols s=static_cast<JKQTPGraphSymbols>(i); ... }


a default symbol used for plotting


draw a font-character as symbol with defined fill-brush (taken from symbol-color), you can use any character from a QFont by supplying JKQTPCharacterSymbol+QChar('').unicode() as JKQTPGraphSymbols

generated by JKQTPCharacterSymbol+QChar('@').unicode()
generated by JKQTPCharacterSymbol+QChar(0x2663).unicode()

draw a font-character as symbol with defined outline-pen and fill-brush, you can use any character from a QFont by supplying JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol+QChar('').unicode() as JKQTPGraphSymbols

generated by JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol+QChar('@').unicode()
generated by JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol+QChar(0x2663).unicode()

draw a completely custom symbol, defined by supplying a functor to JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol()

generated by <code>[](QPainter& p) { p.drawEllipse(QPointF(-0.2, -0.2), 0.3, 0.3); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawEllipse(QPointF(0.2, -0.2), 0.3, 0.3); p.drawEllipse(QPointF(0, 0.2), 0.3, 0.3); };</code>

◆ JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle

symbols that can be used to plot a datapoint for a graph

Note that all arrows end at the designated line-end (here indicated by dashed grey lines), even circles and rectangle:

See also
JKQTPPlotLineDecorator(), JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine(), JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize()
Example (JKQTPlotter): Plotting Arrows and Example (JKQTPlotter): Plotting Geometric Objects for usage examples.

no decorator, i.e. a simple line-end


a simple arrow tip, unfilled


a nice filled arrow tip


a triangular arrow tip


a triangular filled arrow tip


a triangular arrow tip, with vertical bar


a triangular filled arrow tip, with vertical bar


a nice double-arrow tip


a nice filled double-arrow tip


an open circle tip


a filled circle tip


an open rectangle tip


a filled rectangle tip


a simple arrow tip, unfilled, with vertical bar


a simple double-arrow tip, unfilled, with vertical bar


a full vertical bar


a vertical bracket decorator


an open diamond tip


an open diamond tip


a filled diamond tip


a filled diamond tip


a half vertical bar


an harpoon arrow


an harpoon arrow, with vertical bar


a skewed vertical bar


can be used to iterate over all symbols using: for (int i=0; i<static_cast<int>(JKQTPLineDecoratorCount); i++) { JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle s=static_cast<JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle>(i); ... }


points to the last available symbol, can be used to iterate over all symbols: for (int i=0; i<=static_cast<int>(JKQTPMaxLineDecoratorID); i++) { JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle s=static_cast<JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle>(i); ... }


a default symbol used for plotting

Function Documentation

◆ JKQTPCleanPolygon()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF JKQTPCleanPolygon ( const QPolygonF &  poly,
double  distanceThreshold = 0.3 

cleans a polygon by uniting all consecutive points that were closer than distanceThreshold are united

polypolygon to clean
distanceThresholdif two end-points are closer together as this value, they are united to a single point
a cleaned polygon, where all consecutive points that were closer than distanceThreshold are united

◆ JKQTPClipLine() [1/4]

QLineF JKQTPClipLine ( const QLineF &  line,
const QRectF &  clipRect 

clips the given line line to the given rectangle clipRect

lineline to be clipped
clipRectrectangle to clip to
the clipped line or a line with 0-length, i.e. QLineF()

This function implements the algorithm descripbed in https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335018076_Another_Simple_but_Faster_Method_for_2D_Line_Clipping

◆ JKQTPClipLine() [2/4]

QLineF JKQTPClipLine ( const QLineF &  line,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax 

clips the given line line to the given rectangle rectangle xmin .. xmax and ymin ... ymax

the clipped line or a line with 0-length, i.e. QLineF()

This function implements the algorithm descripbed in https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335018076_Another_Simple_but_Faster_Method_for_2D_Line_Clipping

◆ JKQTPClipLine() [3/4]

bool JKQTPClipLine ( double &  x1,
double &  y1,
double &  x2,
double &  y2,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax 

clips the given line (x1 , y1 ) – (x2 , y2 ) to the given rectangle xmin .. xmax and ymin ... ymax

the clipped line in x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 and true if the line is still to be drawn or false else

This function implements the algorithm descripbed in https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335018076_Another_Simple_but_Faster_Method_for_2D_Line_Clipping i.e. in Pseudocode

// x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , xmin , ymax , xmax , ymin //
if not ( x1<xmin and x2<xmin ) and not ( x1>xmax and x2>xmax ) then
    if not ( y1<ymin and y2<ymin ) and not ( y1>ymax and y2>ymax ) then
        x[1]= x1
        y[1]= y1
        x[2]= x2
        y[2]= y2
        i =1
            if x[i] < xmin then
                x[i] = xmin
                y[i] = ( ( y2-y1 ) / ( x2-x1 ) ) * ( xmin-x1)+y1
            elseif x[i] > xmax then
                x[i] = xmax
                y[i] = ( ( y2-y1 ) / ( x2-x1 ) ) * ( xmax-x1)+y1
            if y[i] < ymin then
                y[i] = ymin
                x[i] = ( ( x2-x1 ) / ( y2-y1 ) ) * ( ymin-y1)+x1
            elseif y[i] > ymax then
                y[i] = ymax
                x[i] = ( ( x2-x1 ) / ( y2-y1 ) ) * ( ymax-y1)+x1
            i = i + 1
        until i >2
        if not ( x [1 ] < xmin and x [2 ] < xmin ) and not ( x [1 ] >xmax and x [2 ] >xmax ) then
            drawLine ( x[1] , y[1] , x[2] , y[2] )

◆ JKQTPClipLine() [4/4]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT bool JKQTPClipLine ( QLineF &  line,
const QRectF &  clippingRect 

clip a QLineF line to the rectangle defines by clippingRect

[in,out]lineThe line to clip, if clipping is possible this is modified to the clipped line. If the line is outside clippingRect this is modified to line=QLineF() i.e. a null-line!
clippingRectthe rectangle to clip to
true, if the line had at least some points within clippingRect, false otherwise. The clipped line (or a null-line) is returned in the by-refrence parameter line
See also
This function uses the Linag-Barsky-Algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liang%E2%80%93Barsky_algorithm https://www.skytopia.com/project/articles/compsci/clipping.html

◆ JKQTPClipPolyLine()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPClipPolyLine ( const QPolygonF &  polyline_in,
const QRectF &  clipRect 

clips the given poly-line polyline_in to the given rectangle clipRect

polyline_inpoly-line to be clipped
clipRectrectangle to clip to
a list of poly-lines representing the clipped line.

◆ JKQTPClipPolyLines()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPClipPolyLines ( const QList< QPolygonF > &  polylines_in,
const QRectF &  clipRect 

clips the given list of poly-lines polylines_in to the given rectangle clipRect

polylines_inlist of poly-lines to be clipped
clipRectrectangle to clip to
a list of poly-lines representing the clipped lines. Note that some lines may be split further so the number of poly-lines in the output may actually be larger than the number of polylines in the input!

◆ JKQTPDrawTooltip()

template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPDrawTooltip ( TPainter &  painter,
double  x,
double  y,
const QRectF &  rect 

draw a tooltip, using the current brush and pen of the provided painter

Template Parameters
TPainterType of painter: A class like JKQTPEnhancedPainter or QPainter
painterQPainter-like object to use for painting
xx-coordinate of position the tooltip points to
yy-coordinate of position the tooltip points to
rectrectangle of the main tooltip area

◆ JKQTPGetStarCoordinates()

template<int N>
std::array< QPointF, N *2 > JKQTPGetStarCoordinates ( double  inner_radius = 0.5)

return the consecutive ccordinates of the tips of a N-tipped star on a circle of radius 1. Inner tips are on a irle of radius inner_radius.

◆ JKQTPGraphSymbols2NameString()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2NameString ( JKQTPGraphSymbols  pos)

converts a JKQTPGraphSymbols variable into a human-readable string

◆ JKQTPGraphSymbols2String()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2String ( JKQTPGraphSymbols  pos)

converts a JKQTPGraphSymbols variable into a identifier string

◆ JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2NameString()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2NameString ( JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle  pos)

converts a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle variable into a human-readable string

◆ JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2String()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle2String ( JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle  pos)

converts a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle variable into a identifier string

◆ JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT double JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize ( double  line_width,
double  decoratorSizeFactor 

calculates the tail decorator size from the line width line_width, using decoratorSizeFactor and a non-linear scaling function that levels off towards small line_width and increases sub-linearly for large ones, so the arrow heads to not grow too much

See also
JKQTPPlotLineDecorator(), JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine(), JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize()

◆ JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine()

template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine ( TPainter &  painter,
const QLineF &  l,
JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle  style1,
double  size1,
JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle  style2,
double  size2 

plot a line with the given decorators style1 and a style2 at the start- and end-point repsectively, using the painter's current pen

Template Parameters
TPainterType of painter: A class like JKQTPEnhancedPainter or QPainter
painterthe QPainter to draw to
lline to draw
style1type of the first decorator to plot, see JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle
size1size of the first decorator
style2type of the second decorator to plot, see JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle
size2size of the second decorator
a decorator fills at most the space x...x+size and y-size/2...y-size/2 (where size is size1 or size2), but may be smaller (e.g. arrows are typically less high than the full size pixels ).
See also
JKQTPPlotLineDecorator(), JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine(), JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize()

◆ JKQTPPlotLineDecorator()

template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotLineDecorator ( TPainter &  painter,
double  x,
double  y,
double  angle_rad,
JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle  style,
double  size,
QPointF *  line_start = nullptr 

plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y. Note that this function only draws the decorator, NOT the line pointing to it!

Template Parameters
TPainterType of painter: A class like JKQTPEnhancedPainter or QPainter
painterthe QPainter to draw to
xx-coordinate of the decorator tip
yy-coordinate of the decorator tip
angle_radangle of the line pointing to (x,y), given in radians, 0rad points to the right, >0rad is a counter-clockwise rotation, as calculated by atan2() from dx, dy of a line!
styletype of the decorator to plot, see JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle
sizesize of the decorator in pixels, the decorator fills at most the space x...x+size and y-size/2...y-size/2, but may be smaller (e.g. arrows are typically less high than the full size pixels ).
[out]line_startoptional output parameter: when drawing the line let it end here, not necessarily at (x,y)
See also
JKQTPPlotLineDecorator(), JKQTPPlotDecoratedLine(), JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle, JKQTPLineDecoratorStyleCalcDecoratorSize()

◆ JKQTPPlotSymbol() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPPlotSymbol ( QPaintDevice &  paintDevice,
double  x,
double  y,
JKQTPGraphSymbols  symbol,
double  size,
double  symbolLineWidth,
QColor  color,
QColor  fillColor,
const QFont &  symbolFont 

plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y, thread-safe

paintDevicethe paint device to draw on
xx-coordinate of the symbol center
yy-coordinate of the symbol center
symboltype of the symbol to plot, see JKQTPGraphSymbols
sizesize (width/height) of the symbol around (x , y)
symbolLineWidthwidth of the lines used to draw the symbol
colorcolor of the symbol lines
fillColorcolor of the symbol filling
symbolFontfont used to draw symbols like JKQTPCharacterSymbol+QChar('@').unicode()

◆ JKQTPPlotSymbol() [2/2]

template<class TPainter >
void JKQTPPlotSymbol ( TPainter &  painter,
double  x,
double  y,
JKQTPGraphSymbols  symbol,
double  size,
double  symbolLineWidth,
QColor  color,
QColor  fillColor,
QFont  symbolFont 

plot the specified symbol at pixel position x,y, thread-safe

Template Parameters
TPainterType of painter: A class like JKQTPEnhancedPainter or QPainter
painterthe QPainter to draw to
xx-coordinate of the symbol center
yy-coordinate of the symbol center
symboltype of the symbol to plot, see JKQTPGraphSymbols
sizesize (width/height) of the symbol around (x , y)
symbolLineWidthwidth of the lines used to draw the symbol
colorcolor of the symbol lines
fillColorcolor of the symbol filling
symbolFontfont used to draw symbols like JKQTPCharacterSymbol+QChar('@').unicode()

◆ JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphSymbols JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol ( const JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor )

register a JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor that draws a custom symbol.Returns an ID that allows to access the symbol!, thread-safe

The functor is stored in the global/static store JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolStore, i.e. these are available throughout the runtime of the program

See also
JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor for an example

◆ JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol() [2/2]

register a JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor that draws a custom symbol.Returns an ID that allows to access the symbol!, thread-safe

The functor is stored in the global/static store JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolStore, i.e. these are available throughout the runtime of the program

See also
JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor for an example

◆ JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor ( QColor &  col,
const QColor &  currentColor 

◆ JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor() [2/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPReplaceCurrentColor ( QGradient &  grad,
const QColor &  currentColor 

check whether any color in grad equals JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::CurrentColorPlaceholder (or one of its variants) and then replace it by currentColor

See also
JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::CurrentColorPlaceholder, JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::CurrentColorPlaceholder_Trans10, ... , JKQTFillStyleSummmary

◆ jkqtpRotateRect()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF jkqtpRotateRect ( QRectF  r,
double  angle 

rotate a rectangle by given angle (rotates all points around the center of the rectangle and returns it as a QPolygonF)

◆ JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QList< QPolygonF > JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines ( const QList< QPolygonF > &  lines_in,
double  maxDeltaXY = 1.0 

tries to reduce the complexity of the given list of poly-lines lines_in, but keeping the appearance as if all lines were drawn

lines_inlist of poly-lines to be simplified
maxDeltaXYa group has to be either less wide or less high than this, typically equals the linewidth of the poly-line
a simplified version of lines_in

◆ JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines() [2/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QPolygonF JKQTPSimplifyPolyLines ( const QPolygonF &  lines_in,
double  maxDeltaXY = 1.0 

tries to reduce the complexity of the given poly-line lines_in, but keeping the appearance as if all lines were drawn

lines_inpoly-line to be simplified
maxDeltaXYa group has to be either less wide or less high than this, typically equals the linewidth of the poly-line
a simplified version of lines_in

◆ JKQTPSimplyfyLineSegemnts()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSimplyfyLineSegemnts ( const QVector< QPointF > &  points,
double  maxConsecutiveAngleDegree = 0.2 

takes a list of points and tries to reduce them. Three points are merged to two, if they form a straight line

a cleaned QVector<QPointF>
pointsinput poly-line
maxConsecutiveAngleDegreeis two consecutive line-segments differ by an angle smaller than this, they can be merged
this implements an incomplete algorithm

◆ JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints ( double  x,
double  y,
double  a,
double  b,
double  angle_start = 0,
double  angle_end = 360,
double  alpha = 0,
int  controlPoints = 180,
QPointF *  x_start = nullptr,
QPointF *  x_end = nullptr 

represent an ellipse as a series of points on the ellipse

a QVector<QPointF> with points that may be used for drawing
xcenter of ellipse (x-coordinate)
ycenter of ellipse (y-coordinate)
ahalf axis in x-direction
bhalf axis in y-direction
angle_startstarting angle of ellipse section
angle_endending angle of ellipse section
alpharotation angle of ellipse
controlPointsthe number of points to use for drawing
[out]x_startfirst point of ellipse
[out]x_endlast point of ellipse
all angles are given in degrees [0..360]

◆ JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints() [2/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitEllipseIntoPoints ( std::function< QPointF(QPointF)>  fTransform,
double  x,
double  y,
double  a,
double  b,
double  angle_start = 0,
double  angle_end = 360,
double  alpha = 0,
QPointF *  x_start = nullptr,
QPointF *  x_end = nullptr,
QPointF *  x_start_notrafo = nullptr,
QPointF *  x_end_notrafo = nullptr 

represent an ellipse as a series of points on the ellipse

a QVector<QPointF> with points that may be used for drawing
fTransforma function that transforms a point in graph coordinate space into pixel coordinate space
xcenter of ellipse (x-coordinate)
ycenter of ellipse (y-coordinate)
ahalf axis in x-direction
bhalf axis in y-direction
angle_startstarting angle of ellipse section
angle_endending angle of ellipse section
alpharotation angle of ellipse
[out]x_startfirst point of ellipse, with fTransform applied
[out]x_endlast point of ellipse, with fTransform applied
[out]x_start_notrafofirst point of ellipse, without fTransform applied
[out]x_end_notrafolast point of ellipse, without fTransform applied
all angles are given in degrees [0..360]

◆ JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints() [1/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints ( const QLineF &  line,
int  controlPoints = 180 

represent a line as a series of points on the ellipse

a QVector<QPointF> with points that may be used for drawing
linethe line to draw
controlPointsthe number of points to use for drawing

◆ JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints() [2/2]

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitLineIntoPoints ( const QLineF &  line,
std::function< QPointF(QPointF)>  fTransform 

represent a line as a series of points on the ellipse

a QVector<QPointF> with points that may be used for drawing
linethe line to draw in graph coordinate space
fTransforma function that transforms a point in graph coordinate space into pixel coordinate space

◆ JKQTPSplitPolylineIntoPoints()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPointF > JKQTPSplitPolylineIntoPoints ( const QVector< QPointF > &  line,
std::function< QPointF(QPointF)>  fTransform 

represent a poly-line as a series of points on the ellipse

a QVector<QPointF> with points that may be used for drawing
linethe poly-line to draw in graph coordinate space
fTransforma function that transforms a point in graph coordinate space into pixel coordinate space

◆ JKQTPUnifyLinesToPolygons()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QVector< QPolygonF > JKQTPUnifyLinesToPolygons ( const QVector< QLineF > &  lines,
double  distanceThreshold = 0.3,
int  searchMaxSurroundingElements = 10 

takes a list of QLineF objesct lines and tries to combine as many of them as possible to QPolygonF objects. Note: This method implements an incomplete algorithm with searchMaxSurroundingElements>0, as solving the complete problem is very time-consuming (cubic runtime)

linesline segments to unify
distanceThresholdif two end-points are closer together as this value, they are united to a single point
searchMaxSurroundingElementslimits the search for a connected polygon to at most this number of neighbors
a vector of QPolygonF objects, which contain longer line-segments formed from lines

◆ String2JKQTPGraphSymbols()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphSymbols String2JKQTPGraphSymbols ( const QString &  pos)

converts a String into a JKQTPGraphSymbols

◆ String2JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle()

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle String2JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle ( const QString &  pos)

converts a String into a JKQTPLineDecoratorStyle

Variable Documentation

◆ JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolStore

JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPSynchronized<QVector<JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolFunctor> > JKQTPlotterDrawingTools::JKQTPCustomGraphSymbolStore

stores all custom JKQTPGraphSymbols registered using JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol