JKQTPlotter trunk/v5.0.0
an extensive Qt5+Qt6 Plotter framework (including a feature-richt plotter widget, a speed-optimized, but limited variant and a LaTeX equation renderer!), written fully in C/C++ and without external dependencies
No Matches
Todo List für Future Releases/Versions

This page lists several todos and wishes for future version of JKQTPlotter

  • General:
    • Lib Utilities: General and portable way to mark functions and classes as deprecated for different compilers
  • JKQTPlotter:
    • data management: allow for other datatypes than double, would be good to have, double, float, ints, bool, string ... as for images
    • data management: binding for the Eigen library
    • graphic elements: annotation graphic element with text positionable like legend, or with (0..1),(0..1)-coordinates within plot
    • graphic elements: make coordinate systems selectable for all: x/y-axis, 0..1/0..1, topleft/topright...
    • graphs: barchart/ranges chart with (x,y1,y2) or (x1,x2,y)
    • graphs: gant-chart as simplified vector field with (x,y1,y2) or (x1,x2,y), or (x,y,dx), (x,y,dy) ... different head/tail style
    • graphs: matrix plots with boxes, labels, ...
    • graphs: matrix plots with symbols: symbol-type, color, size should be parametric, cf. scatter plots
    • graphs: waterfall charts (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterfall_chart)
    • graphs: parametrized variant of JKQTPSingleColumnSymbolsGraph (beeswarm plots etz.) where each symbol may have a color given by a second column
    • graphs: option for JKQTPSingleColumnSymbolsGraph (beeswarm plots etz.) to have a distribution only on one side of the center (left or right)
    • plot: axes with symlog (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/24/2/027001) and logit (https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logit) scaling?
    • plot: axis labels above/below/centered around tick
    • plot: elongated grid to left of tick labels
    • plot: refactor print preview/export preview code
    • sryling: better styling/more styling options for data-tooltips
    • user interactions: dialog(s) to edit x/y-range
  • JKQTMathText:
  • Math & Statistics Library: